Thursday 10 February 2011

We don’t need no education…

Oh but we do, really. I beg to differ.
If we think of all the years and resources and efforts we put into this education business while now having to bear witness to startling new changes aimed to incorporate all the crap that uneducated and illiterate people use on a daily basis under the generic disguise of speech and language, because it’s just TOO widespread to try to make it all better now, we might get suicidal. So all that time spent on learning all that information on all those different levels of detail and thoroughness was wasted? Is that what you’re trying to tell us?
So I get it, language is a living organism, sounds about right. But do we really have to feed this living organism just about anything? I mean, would YOU do that to yourself?
I would hate to see us all getting stupid instead of at least trying to better ourselves.
Sadly, it seems that that’s where we’re headed.


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