Thursday 10 February 2011

Fatally flawed

I am not going to claim I’m perfect. That would be deluded, self-sufficient and crass of me. On the contrary, I fully intend to disclose at least some of my flaws, as a sort of exorcism on myself, for myself. That might prove helpful, in the grand scheme of my things. Then again, it might not. Either way, I gotta try.

Riddle me this: it is really wrong of me to have an extremely low, to almost non-existent, tolerance for bullshit, stupidity and vulgarity? More to the point, if I stop associating myself with people who display some, or all, of the aforementioned features, am I a bad person? How much tolerance is good for the heart and soul, and when does it start verging on self-destructive? It is, after all, true that a lot of our interactions shape the way we are and the persons we might at some point become. I would love to be tolerant, believe me. I would love to do something better with my spare time than turn my own brains inside out trying to understand how some people function in this world and, more to the point, how they manage to be kept close by people who, at least in my opinion, should know better. Why DO they tolerate them? Do they not care, do they not see? I would bring myself on the verge of despair trying to figure it out.

So, my monochromatic friends, is there a solution to my predicament? Is this my problem, or is it theirs? I can only blame this on my being a Virgo so many times. But I cannot deny that I have a permanent tendency to turn myself into my own arch-enemy. At which point it all starts being all fun and games.

Maybe I just have to find something better to do with my life? I do pride myself in being one of the increasingly fewer (if I may say so) people who still derive extreme pleasure from reading – I mean reading books, actual books, with pages and covers and all that – so it’s not like I don’t use my spare time in a constructive manner and just kick back and torment myself with nasty thoughts about the lesser people. And still…I can’t help being a total bitch when they or their kind come into play.



Tiberiu said...

Balance. Balance bad with good. Surround yourself with good people, with good energy and they will compensate. You cannot avoid the bad or lesser, but if you are in balance inside, they will not affect you anymore. Then, when you will be truly centered and in harmony with your value - because you are very valuable - you will tolerate. Or, use humor. Why so serious? (Joker in The Dark Knight).

Hormonally Yours said...

I'm not necessarily serious, maybe a bit constipated in my principles. I've developed some kind of asshole-intolerance (not a bad thing, considering the people I've dealt with).
[...and on the other hand bitchiness is something I do sooooo well it's painful for me to let it go:))]
I DID say help though, so thanks. For the help :)

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