Thursday 10 February 2011


Strange how pampering your children can turn them into helpless, barely functional adults, innit? Ok, maybe it’s not always all that bad, but it’s quite … poetically unfair that too much love can fuck it up for them and whoever will have to live with them for the rest of their lives. As my brother quite realistically put it, it’s not normal for a man over 30 to be unable to change a light bulb. And so on and so forth.
So really, how much love and care is too much? Can you ever really know when to stop? Can you really censor yourself when all you want to do is give that child everything he or she needs before they even know they need it?
Cheer up, though. You’ll probably only find out about it when the kids are all grown up and have left home. So until then… take it easy and remember…less is more.


Tiberiu said...

Very well said! I like it! Kind of Jedi vs Sith argument. Then again, if you are curious, you can compensate for too much love. Too bad they made the army optional ;)

Hormonally Yours said...

well thank you, master Yoda.
look into it I might, indeed :)

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